The Actions in Salat
Wajibat of Salat
The Wajibat of Salat are 11, of which some are a Rukn, and others are Ghair – Rukn.
1. Niyyat (Intention)
2. Qiyam (Standing) [At the time of saying the Takbirtul Ihram and the Qiyam before the Ruku’]
3. Takbirtul Ihram [Saying Allahu Akbar (اللهَ أَكْبَرُ)]
4. Ruku’ (Bowing)
5. Sujud (Prostrating)
Ghair – Rukn
1. Qira’at (Recitation)
2. Dhikr (Glorification)
3. Tashahhud
4. Salam
5. Tartib (Sequence)
6. Muwalat (Order)
The Difference between a Rukn and Ghair – Rukn
The Arkan (Rukn) of Salat are those parts which are the necessities of the Salat, and if any of the Rukn are left out, even if it is due to forgetfulness, then the Salat will become void.
However, in relation to the other Wajibat (Ghair – Rukn), although performing them is mandatory, if they are left out or extra are added due to forgetfulness, then the Salat will not be void. However, if they are intentionally not performed or extra are added, then the Salat will become void.